Bike trip 2008: Lake Kegonsa State Park

It was really cold and windy when we left.


Olin Park.

We tried a new kind of bar made with coconut and strawberries.



We purchased bike trail passes here.





Thomas found this turtle on a road near Lake Kegonsa. But he quickly let it go when a friendly local man informed him that these turtles have salmonella. The man even brought out some antibacterial purell for Thomas!


We had salmon with teriyaki rice for dinner.


Amaretto was our evening drink. We had meant to drink it with soda, but the machine was still down for the winter. Plain, it was still a good treat.


Good morning!

We went on a nice morning hike.







Lake Kegonsa.

Butterfly in the campsite.

Gas prices. We really enjoyed stopping here for candy bars and gatorade before our big hills.



Another turtle.


Read the full story below:

We went on our first bike trip of the year this weekend. Despite the 60% chance of rain Saturday and 40 degree weather (in the 30's with wind chill, and it was windy), we decided to go. We decided to leave at 3 PM, when the rain was predicted to be over. We spent all day packing, which took a while since we were out of practice.
We set off at 2:45 PM, in our winter clothes. Thomas felt like he was dressed for skiing! But once we got going, we started to warm up. Some parts of the ride were in icy wind, but other parts were more calm and warm.
Thomas thinks he saw a wolverwine in Lalor Rd, a rustic road. He is working on researching this and contacting the DNR to see if this could be true... He also found a mini turtle on a road near the lake... a guy living there ran out to see if we were ok. He told us the turtles have salmonella so he got Thomas some antibacterial liquid.
We arrived at the park around 6, and there were plenty of sites to pick from. Unfortunately the pop machine was out of pop, but the amaretto with a bit of leftover raspberry vodka from last year still tasted delicious. We had terkiyaki rice with salmon for dinner, and some dove milk chocolate for dessert. Thomas worked on making a fire, but it was difficult since we'd had so much rain recently everything was wet.
Sunday morning was beautiful, sunny, and much warmer (in the 60's), so we went on a hike and then headed back to Madison in the afternoon (1:11 PM). We stopped at a gas station on the way home for gatorade and chocolate. We needed the energy for the huge hills. We ran into another turtle on the way home. Now we are sore and ready to go on more trips.
Thomas saw three butterfly species and was very happy.
We rode a total of 50.6 miles in about 5 hours and 50 minutes.

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